Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Peace of Gold

A Peace of Gold

By Veronica Hendrix |

April 21, 2008-- What do we think about this once-subversive symbol of righteousness now that it's turned 50?

A lot of things recently turned 50. You might recall them.

Madonna – yawn. The Dodgers – thank God they haven't abandoned Los Angeles like another professional team, which shall remain nameless. The Grammy Awards – the crystal ball simply didn't see rap and hip-hop coming and staying. Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat book – my personal favorite. The Ebony Fashion Fair Glam Odyssey Fashion Show that was – by the way – glamorous, spectacular, and absolutely fabulous.

Oh and moi – enough said. However, there is another 50-year observance that trumps some of the most celebrated milestones I've noted. This one is as insipid as it is indomitable. That golden anniversary is none other than that of the "peace symbol." Yes, the universal emblem of peace turned 50 this month.

I never understood how the three simple lines enclosed in a circle were symbolic of peace. It always reminded me of a foot of a fowl, well, a chicken to be exact. The symbol's creator, Gerald Holtom, said the symbol is actually a depiction of himself as a "man in despair," and he put a circle around the lines to represent the world.

That's a bit gestalt and a real stretch for me, but ok. I recall a time in our recent history, well at least my history, when the peace symbol was ubiquitously conspicuous during a period when the human struggle for dignity, unity, and egalitarianism held the promise of ameliorating the past, defining the present and shifting the future.

The symbol was a visual marker of solidarity in marches for civil rights, women's rights, human rights, gay rights and movements to stop wars abroad. Those who marched and protested for peace were often the victims of violence. Some even lost their lives. The peace symbol has had a tumultuous tenure and paradoxical past.

Now it is celebrating a bittersweet birthday, a golden anniversary no less.

I've noticed its resurgence of late. A Southern California beach side vendor had a collection of peace symbol jewelry and trinkets in every possible color and shape. I had to pick up a pin or two and a pair of peace symbol hoop earrings reminiscent of those I wore with my favorite dashiki back in the day. I was feeling so cool and not just "with it" but with what matters – peace.

While in Atlanta I saw an assortment of tie-dyed peace symbol T-shirts and baseball caps in an airport boutique. I bought one of each of the pricey items and lamented because they didn't have the peace symbol headbands made wildly famous by master guitarist Jimi Hendrix. He was the man, unifying symbol of cross culturalism in my mind.

I recently received a catalog of stationery and novelty items in the mail. The collection of peace symbol cards and stickers were hard to resist. I ordered them and when they arrived I affixed stickers to every bill or letter I mailed out. This was so groovy – sending a little peace in the mail. Ah….if only spreading peace was really that easy.

After 50 years of the peace symbol, peace in our streets, city, nation and world continues to be as whimsical as the madcap cat in The Cat in the Hat book. But then again - maybe not. If I remember the story correctly, that cat brought a whirlwind of unrest to a seemingly peaceful home in a quiet neighborhood. But we can dream of a more peaceful world, and labor in the fields of our neighborhoods and cities to cultivate it. We should and be darn right relentless and vigilant about it.

I think I will wear my peace symbol T-shirt, hat, pin, earrings or that elusive headband (if I ever find it) as a visual marker of my solidarity to peace. Besides, it looks good too. Peace (and hair grease if you need it).

Veronica Hendrix is a journalist and television producer based in her native of Southern California.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Welcome to the Machine

From an email I sent to a buddy today:

What I'm seeing more and more is that most of us are enslaved to the system in one way or another and usually in many ways. For example, I work for the government, but at the same time I'm taxed in various ways to the extent that most of the money I make goes back to the government, so... If you don't work for the government directly, your business or your employer is taxed and "fee"-ed exorbitantly. If you work for a non-profit agency, your operating expenses to a huge degree come from government grants that have all kinds of controlling conditions attached to them. If you are a 'non-producer' who collects government assistance, you are paid a pittance that is enough to keep you alive but so little that it is totally demoralizing. That too has a million controlling conditions attached to it. The people that are policy-setters and in the administration part of government must sell their souls in order to have such a privilege, so they too pay a heavy price.

Let me ask you, do you see anything about our current way of doing things that advocates for its continuance? Where do you lean politically? I probably already sent you this link and it's a little dated now as many of these candidates have quit running, but it does a good job of matching you up with various candidates' forums and breaks it down as to which things match and which dont:

The link to the site where the graphic was found is at: